Saturday, April 01, 2006

NSA Surveillance Program

Caught yesterday's (Friday March 31) CSPAN replay of the Senate judiciary committee hearings on the NSA foreign-domestic surveillance program.

On the left, we had dumb-ass liberal Russ "Trying to beat Hillary" Feingold making a big show about his resolution to "censure" Pres. Bush for the communication intercepts of communications between suspected foreign terrorists and people in the U.S.

On the right, we had Arlen Specter and Lindsey Graham, not-so-gently pointing out that the issues involved here don't involve anything like intentional wrongdoing (cf. Clinton lying under oath), but rather uncertainty about the scope of a President's war-time powers.

She-Clinton, Feingold and Blago: Dem Stars of 2008? (Wow!)


HRC said...

Wow! is right.

You're really smart.

And if I sound like I don't mean it, I really don't.

Big E said...

You're right, HRC. Russ will make a fine President, someday. Thanks for setting me straight with your pithy analysis.

AndyT13 said...

I concur that the extent of the president's "war time powers" ARE the issue here and I respectfully submit that A) since there's no forseeable end to the "war on terror" there's no foreseeable limit to the president's powers...and that frightens me.
I suggest a compromise. OK, you're looking for terrorists, you don't need a warrant for a wiretap, etc...Fine. Anything you FIND with such tactics should be inadmissable unless it clearly IS terrorist activity (narrowly definied as "plotting to kill US citizens with the intent of sowing terror to achieve political ends" or some such legalese. Surely that would satisfy both the liberal lefties AND the facist righties, no?

AndyT13 said...

Whoops, I meant for there to be a B) part to that proposition, but you get the idea. Thoughts?

Big E said...

AndyT: I agree with that. If the rationale for warrantless surveillance is national security, make any evidence that you obtain inadmissible in a U.S. court, unless and to the extent that you are prosecuting someone for terrorist activities. I don't think there is any evidence, by the way, that anyone has tried to use this information for a domestic prosecution unrelated to anti-terrorism.

My beef is that ass-clowns like Russ Feingold want to play purely poliitical games where damned important issues lie on both sides. I guess he's doing the GOP a favor,though, in the long run.

Love your blog, AndyT.