Thursday, April 20, 2006

Two Questions From Andy T

From my boy AndyT:

1. I love reading your stuff and often agree. May I submit to you a political question? It seems to me that the current system is a total failure no matter which party is in charge. They both have their good and bad points. My priority is liberty and neither party is delivering. How come the libertarians can't field viable candidates? It seems like their party supports all the ideals we stand for but everyone who runs on their ticket is a nut job. What's up with that?

I think the problem is that Libertarians in general are a cranky, curmudgeonly group with a terrifically diverse membership which shouts"fringe" to anyone who is serious about running for national office. By merely tempering their rhetoric and easing their positions toward themiddle, would-be Libertarian candidates can shoehorn themselves into one of the major parties. The candidatesI have seen here in Ilinois are people who burn wood to heat their homes, have beards, and think they don't have to pay income taxes. Fun and everything, but not going anywhere with regard to getting elected.

2. Related question: In my experience the dems offer appeasement, high taxes and a better economy for poor folks (me). The GOP offers war, lower taxes and a better econmoy for rich folks. Your thoughts? I base this on direct personal experience (i.e. ability to get and keep a 'good' job).Is that your experience? Explain. This is an honest question not an invitation to a flame war. :-)

You can split it out a million different ways, of course, but I think the Democrat party appeals to people who (a) need or want help in their lives, (b) want to help others, (c) believe that all people are (or should be) more or less equal and interchangeable, and (d) think we can settle all of our differences if we just sit down and talk about it. Basically, the Dems appeal to people who think government helps people in their lives.

Meanwhile, the GOP works for (a) people who think they don't need any help, (b) want to help people, if at all, without government involvement, (c) believe that people have innate differences which mean that not everyone is a "winner" in the game of life, and (d) think that there are relatively bright lines of "right" and "wrong" in many cases.

Neither of the major parties are going to help you or anyone else get or keep a "good" job. No government will help you do that. I believe that, other than creating government positions, Democrat principles will not get you a job (something about more taxes and more government being antithetical to business). Repubs believe that, when government is business friendly (low regulation, low taxes), private businesses create jobs.

The truth is, those who are young, poor, and "other-directed" swing toward the Dems; those who are older, established, wealthier, and self-interested swing toward the Repubs. Dems believe government can make a big difference in the lives of people; Repubs think government should get out of their way, and let everyone make their own life.

I personally believe that the differences between the parties are more imagined than real 95% of the time. Most people are attracted to a party based on a very short list of issues: taxes, gay rights, abortion, environmental issues.

Based on what I've seen from you, AndyT, you are going to do fine in this life without regard to any political party or government policy. There's no way that I could sell you on any party, because that would be like exaggerating the differences between a Toyota and a Honda. While there are some differences, in the big picture you just pick the one that fits your arse. (A little Brit humor there).

My whole thing is, I want people to put away their hankies, get off their ass, take care of themselves, help others every chance they get, and quit their damn WHINING!


AndyT13 said...

Brilliant assesment! I especially like "Most people are attracted to a party based on a very short list of issues: taxes, gay rights, abortion, environmental issues." That's a great observation that I couldn;'t have put that succinctly. I'm with you on the taxes totally. Gays and abortion? I want the government out of my bedroom. Period. Paragraph. That's a deal breaker for me. On the subject of the environment I'd like to have one. The complete deregulation of business with regards to pollution is another deal breaker. Else I'd be a staunch republican. I think my point was with the libertarians we could have it both ways. I'd like to see the moderates from both parties flee to the libertarians and get low taxes, zero government intervention in people's private lives and sensible regulation on pollution. I'd just like to see someone I like to have as president run once in a while. Same for local government. *sigh* And then I woke up LOL

I just sent you another foil to post with. I like what you did with this so feel free to go wild with your bad self.

Big E said...

You set em' up, and I'll knock 'em down, Big A.