Sunday, April 16, 2006

Morgan Spurlock is a Moron

Let's see, I think I'll make a movie about what happens if I live in my car for a month eating double quarter pounders. Gosh, I wonder if I'll gain weight? Wonder if that's healthy?

Next, I'll go to give speeches at schools and talk about the 'retards' with helmets who work at McDonald's. Never mind that the audience will include special needs kids who happen to be wearing head protection.

Anyone who likes or believes in this guy is an even bigger moron than he is.


AndyT13 said...

Hey, thanks for listening to the demo of my new tune and leaving such a nice comment on my blog. I love reading your stuff and often agree. May I submit to you a political question? It seems to me that the current system is a total failure no matter which party is in charge. They both have their good and bad points. My priority is liberty and neither party is delivering. How come the libertarians can't field viable candidates? It seems like their party supports all the ideals we stand for but everyone who runs on their ticket is a nut job. What's up with that?

Related question: In my experience the dems offer appeasement, high taxes and a better economy for poor folks (me). The GOP offers war, lower taxes and a better econmoy for rich folks. Your thoughts? I base this on direct personal experience (i.e. ability to get and keep a 'good' job).
Is that your experience? Explain.
We can take this to email if you don't want it on your blog. It's an honest question not an invitation to a flame war. :-)

AndyT13 said...

BTW...Ding fries are done!