All the Answers, by AndyT13:
"Gun control: You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead fingers.
Reparations for slavery: . . . It's not possible to administrate such a thing fairly even if it were a good idea, which it ain't. Quit it.
Politically correct race names: . . . African-American, Irish American... Horse Hockey! If you were born in this country you're an American. Period.
Religious Zealotry: . . . is dangerous to society at large and needs to be exterminated. If your God tells you that you must kill or enslave those who believe something different than you that makes you a menace to society . . .
Gender norming: Men and women are different. It's a fact. Get over it. Neither sex is "better" or "worse" than the other . . . Making everything in the world gender non-specific is not only annoying and unnecessary but downright counter-productive.
Excessive Regulation: how come every bar can be made to be non-smoking? . . . What happened to personal freedom? You want [that in your establishment]? Great! I'm sure you'll have a clientelle [sic], but you shouldn't be forced to do these things by governmental regulation. It's intrusive, authoritarian and un-American. Quit it."
Thank you, Andy T.
Hey Big E.
Thanks for the props. Apparently we should be running the country because clearly we're geniuses.
We can be the 'Quit It Party'.
When in doubt, cut it out.
How 'bout the "Quit Your Damn Whining" party?
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