Thursday, March 18, 2010

Toyota's Redemption

I have been following the "runaway Toyota" stories with great skepticism for a while.  They are reminiscent of the Audi 5000 stories that circulated in the mid-1980s.

In today's news, the NHTSA looked at the "black box" of a Toyota Prius which allegedly suffered from the sudden acceleration problem. Turns out that the black box (which records various metrics of vehicle operation) showed no braking and wide open acceleration in a New York case.  In the case of the Audi 5000, the car was ultimately exonerated.

Now that the fools that are operating these killer Toyotas know that there IS a black box, and now that doubt has been cast on the driving abilities of the people who have experienced problems with their Toyota, my modest prediction is that this story is going to wind down in the media, and that reports of these incidents will stop.

Of course, if you are dumb enough to throw rubber, winter floor mats on top of the carpeted ones (which are actuallyfastened to the floor), you deserve what you get.

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