Wednesday, May 17, 2006

People's Republic of . . . Champaign?

Well, it's finally happened. Thanks to the likes of Tom Bruno, Ken Pirok, Marci Dodds, Giraldo Rosales, and Gina Jackson, the City of Champaign has thrown all kinds of private property and personal rights out the window, egged on by a tiny but determined minority of do-gooders who are sure they know what is best for all of us.

Given the stakes for lots of small business owners, and a raft of opportunities for fine-tuning a proposed ordinance of sweeping proportions, this act looks more than a little reckless. While lots of people, including me, would support a ban on smoking in true restaurants (let's don't confuse bars that serve food), a ban in bars like the Tumble Inn, Hubers, and the Esquire is asinine.

Something tells me we haven't heard the last of this issue. Once the above-named yokels realize what they have voted for, they may be convinced to add some exceptions before the ordinance goes into effect on August 1.

Remmber to vote against Bruno, Pirok, Dodds, Rosales and Jackson, aka "the Politburo."


AndyT13 said...

Ha! Don't count on sensible exceptions big guy. Cali, Mass, NY CT and NJ already caved to this lunacy. The only exceptions are so-called "cigar bars" and those are VERY difficult and expensive to open. Face it; the country we thought we were living in doesn't exist anymore. Armed resistance is our only hope. ;-)

MDW said...

You can rest assured that the People's Republic of Urbana will keep up it's end of the bargain and this will become law.

Look for a variety people to express interest in opening bars in the "county" just outside city lines.

gopolis said...

run for city council and kick those collectivist punks out if thats how you feel...there are a few offices up in 09